Hi! My name is Stacy and I help people access their inner strength and power by speaking about resiliency in the face of life’s inevitable challenges.
I use my story to influence my audience to identify and access their self agency aka their Phenomenal Will. Medium. com defines self agency as the subjective awareness of initiating, executing, and controlling one’s volitional actions in the world. It is 'the pre-reflective awareness or implicit sense that it is I who is executing bodily movements or thinking thoughts. The result is an empowered audience who is compelled to take action in their everyday lives to achieve their life’s mission.
Speaking Topics
6 Steps to Finding Your Career Passion
Unsure of your path? What brings you joy AND honors your natural gifts and talents? How do you know what is your thing? This workshop will walk you through 6 steps of self-reflection to help you identify your passion and walk confidently in your truth.
“Living on purpose is the only way to really live. Everything else is just existing.” Rick Warren
Double D’s: Divorce and Dating in the 21st Century
An indomitable will is a pre-requisite to dating after a divorce. Married for 20 years, Stacy decided to divorce her husband and leave behind a lonely, failed marriage. Dating for the last 10 years can be described as both a comedy of errors and a sad state of affairs. Stacy will encourage women to be resilient, self-aware and joyful in both dating and marriage.
Doin’ Just Fine: Black Women@ Work
How many times can one person lose her job for being a Black woman at work? Two times. Everyday Black women disguise the implicit bias and outright discrimination they face in the workplace with the statement, “I’m doing just fine.” When, on the inside they are feeling silenced, invisible and devalued. In this workshop, Stacy will share her resilience and agency in being her authentic self in the face of relentless bias and pressure to conform.
Mama Say Knock You Out: Surviving Breast Cancer in Your Own Way
Hearing those three words: “You have cancer” was one of the most devastating moments of my life. I just couldn’t believe it. But in that moment, I knew I would survive and live a long, healthy life. Ten years ago I prepared myself for the biggest fight of my life and knocked out surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In this workshop, Stacy will share the idominatable will that moved her through diagnosis and treatment as a newly divorced single parent.
Joy and Pain: Raising a Young Black Son into a Man
Never did I ever expect to divorce and become a single parent. After 20 years of marriage I shared custody of my 11 year old son. Raising him into a man was one of the greatest challenges I have faced, but the rewards of my efforts have far surpassed those challenges. Utilizing Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me”, Stacy will share her journey of resiliency in raising her young son into a man.
Breaking News: You’re an Addict
What does it mean to live your life as an Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACOA), thinking your challenges related to financial management are the only aspect of your life impacted? It’s very helpful until you learn that addictive behavior is not isolated to only one aspect of your life. Addiction is insidious and pervasive. How do you overcome addictive behavior while appearing to be a fully functioning adult? Stacy will share her journey of self-awareness and Phenomenal Will that helped her overcome addictive behavior and belief systems.
Phenomenal Will
Life is like the Amazing Race. You find yourself in new places full of breathtaking beauty and splendor yet filled with obstacles and challenges to overcome. We don’t often realize or acknowledge that the best resources we have to be an overcomer are within each of us - resilience, grit, determination, belief in self and volition, the use of our WILL. In this workshop, Stacy will share her personal journey to help participants consider/access their inner strength and power/self-agency in the execution of their daily lives.
Failing Well: Academic Success Strategies for College Students
What does academic success in college mean for students? Is it grades? Is it membership in honor societies? Is it test performance? How well do students recover from a perceived failure? Is failure a B for some and a F for others? Failing well is crucial component of student success that builds resilience and self-agency. Stacy will motivate, inspire and encourage students with specific, research based success strategies that will benefit students beyond the first year. This is an excellent workshop for New Student Orientation/Welcome Week programming!
What people are saying…
"Stacy has the natural ability to connect intimately with her audience - no matter how small or large the size. She is dynamic, relatable, and transformative! Stacy uses her own personal story, obstacles, and triumphs to not only remind others of their own power, but to motivate them to take the necessary steps to move toward the life they’ve always dreamed of.”
Dr. Tiffany Wiggins, Founder, Black Girl Mentor, LLC
A Gem
I pay careful attention to speakers that are called on to deliver important information in an emotionally heightened environment...she knocked it out of the park! We left feeling informed, encouraged and that our son had made the perfect decision about his college path. She is a "gem"!
C. Brown, Parent
She’s touched my heart…
Ms. Stacy was one of the few people who helped me realize that it was okay to make mistakes in college as long as you learn from them. Having Ms. Stacy as the BSU advisor helped me be more accepting of myself and my skin color. I basically learned to love myself thanks to Ms. Stacy.
B. Hawkins, Student
I am forever grateful
Stacy is the epitome of all I want to be. She is confident, fun, loving, engaging, and honest all at the same time. When I think of someone I want to seek guidance from, I think of Stacy. Stacy knows the ‘real me.’ She has been my mentor, my friend, my confidant and my sunshine all in one.
T. Rowe, Student
I first met Stacy during the Summer Bridge program at Trinity University. I was a first generation student of color and my college was not filled with many people who fit that description. As the head of academic success, Stacy was an invaluable resource in my transition from high school to college. In our short time together, she made a tremendous impact on my life inside and outside the classroom. It is not a stretch to say that Stacy Davidson was a primary reason that I was able to make it through college. Her passion, fire, and willingness to help made her an ally not only to me, but to all students of the University.
K. Boudreaux, Student
The Black Financial Channel Interview
“How to Understand Yourself and Others to Make Yourself a Better Leader at Work and at Home.” I had the pleasure to speak to Lawrence Watkins, Founder and CEO, about my passion for how Myers-Briggs Type Inventory can impact leadership and teamwork in the workplace. Knowing your natural gifts and talents and making informed decisions about career has a tremendous impact on success and overall career satisfaction. Certified MBTI Practitioner
Stacy Davidson is a native of Newport News, Virginia. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in psychology as a first generation college student. Not having any idea what she wanted to do after college, she moved to California to “find herself” and figure out what life had in store for her. After two years of discovery, she was led to her chosen profession in student affairs at Bowling Green State University, where she earned her Master of Arts degree. During her life’s work of 30+ years as a student affairs practitioner, Stacy mentored, advised and coached countless college students, preparing her to share her wisdom and experience to a wider audience. In her personal life, her journey is a story of survival and phenomenal will. Stacy has navigated divorce, cancer, loss of an unborn child, a home, jobs, single parenting a son, dating and addiction. Through it all, she has developed and accessed her PHENOMENAL WILL.